- Topic: Depression. Create a mind map for the topic above. List out the central ideas. main branches and sub-branches.
- Can you find some practical ways to develop coding skills without joining a course or community.
- Help me create mental model of analogies to better understand and remember key concepts of Python. OR “Transform key concepts or lessons from [topic] into narrative to help better to remember and understand the material”. Topic: Data types
- “Create a study plan that mixes different topics or skills within [subject] to help me develop more robust understanding and facilitate connection between them” Subject: SEO marketing. Please provide me links to resources for each day.
- “Design a spaced repetition schedule for me for effectively review topic overtime, ensuring better retention and recall.” Topic: SEO marketing.
- “Suggest various learning resources [videos, books, podcasts] for topic that caters to different learning styles” Topic: Graphics Design
- Explain topic in the simplest terms possible as if teaching a to a five year old. gaps in my understanding and suggest resources to fill them.
- Please summarize this video for me [https://link] video title: [title]